mardi 10 mai 2011

Le Chien de Canaan

C'est un chien alerte, fidèle à ses maitres et qui aime vivre à la maison.
Sa méfiance vis à vis des étrangers en fait un excellent chien de garde qui protège avec dévouement et sans reculer, les hommes et les bêtes dont il a charge.

Il réclame des brossages réguliers à l'aide d'une brosse et d'un peigne.

15 commentaires:

Triper a dit…

I like this race, picture is nice!

Mike a dit…

My old dog use to look just like this :(

D22 Zone a dit…

c'est tres bien!

D22 Zone a dit…

Awesome post man! keep up the good blogging!

Gheko a dit…

My uncle has one of these!

BluRayBoy a dit…

I never understand a word your blog says because I can't speak what I think is French, but the dogs always make me smile and that's all that matters.

PaulBlark a dit…

Thats a cute looking dog! Looks really playful

//Love a dit…

He's beautiful!

Jack Stanley a dit…

One day you have to run out of adorable dogs to post.

Bosstone a dit…

Beautiful creature.

J.R. a dit…

Used to have a dog that looked just like this one when I was little. Got hit by a car

PackScoot a dit…

What a beautiful dog :O

Ham a dit…

thats a nice looking dog,

Mook a dit…

Il est magnifique :)

Cyst a dit…

Looks pretty short haired. I suppose I should give my dog regular brushing too, her coat is a little longer.